1.0.5 - Released 3/13/2013

March 13, 2013

New Features & Changes

Themes: Flexile now has several themes to choose from. Simply select the Theme you want in the settings, no restart required.

Changed most of the buttons in Flexile to use Icons rather than text.

Added an ‘Edit’ button to all List & Grid views. This allows you to ‘reveal’ your options (like rearranging and deleting) for a List rather than having to know the appropriate gestures. This should make the User Interface a lot more intuitive.

Changed the “Link Selection” process to be more intuitive. Now all Records will be displayed during the selection process. However, previously linked records will be “pre-selected” (highlighted). You can then deselect records (remove the Links) and select new records (add new Links) all at the same time.

Email Record, Attachments & Links

Copy Record Data as text to device Clipboard

Delete a record from within the record’s detail (editing) view

Easily swipe/navigate through records in a list from the detail (editing) view without exiting the detail view.

New grab handles make it easier to find and expose options for the record table and the detail view.

New buttons: “Add”, “Save & Add” & “Save & Close” buttons/functionality in the record detail (editing) view.

New & Improved? (at least, I think so) animations for some transitions between views, especially between records.

Added options to disable Auto-correct and Auto-capitalization for Text & Note fields.

Text Fields now truncate (cut off with an ellipse: …) if the text is larger than the display area of the control.

You can now dismiss (and recall) the keyboard while displaying a Note field in full screen. This allows for full-screen reading of the text field.

Expanded Link Sections will now persist within a ‘session’. This means if you open a Link section and leave the record, that section will be open when you return to the record. However, this only persists so long as the app remains in the device’s memory (a ‘session’). It will not persist if Flexile is restarted.

Added record count to Table listings.

Updated default values behavior for records to make a little more sense. Default values auto-entered into a record will now set the record state to “unsaved” so you don’t need to edit a value to save the record. However, Flexile won’t warn you if you leave the record unless, of course, you’ve manually made changes.

Blank Screens will now show a message explaining why that screen is blank and offer a suggestion to remedy the problem.

Web address field now allows you to select different prefixes: (http://, https://, ftp://, …) as well as define your own prefixes.

Web address field will now attempt to open an address in the default program associated with that link. This should allow you to link to other apps, so long as those apps have their own URL scheme.

You can now open Web links in Safari.

Controls are now easier to tap on. You can tap any part of the control rather than just the ‘field’ itself.

New Time Picker to make it much easier to quickly choose a time for the Date/Time Control.

Number Fields now display a “-“ symbol instead of a “0” when there is no value.

Backup/Restore process can now occur in the background.

Bug Fixes 

I’m not saying there were bugs in the previous release, but if there were bugs in the previous version there are definitely fewer bugs in this one. 

Importing & Exporting

I’ve gotten a lot of requests for importing and exporting and I am working on it. I had hoped to include it in this update but it’s taking too long and there were too many changes and fixes for me to delay updating Flexile. Importing and Exporting is the main feature I’m currently working on though, so look for it soon.