Phone Number Field

The phone number field is a strictly formatted field. It will allow you to enter numbers in number of standard formats.

Similar to the Email/Website field, the Phone Number field will display an icon to the right of the field you can tap to initiate a phone call with the number currently in the field. Be aware that when you do so, your phone will dial all the numbers in the field, including any extension you have. Usually this isn’t a problem as extra number included in the initial dial are usually excluded by the phone service, but if you have problem you may consider removing the extension.

Currently there are 4 formats for entering phone numbers:

  • (###) ###-####
  • (###) ###-#### x####
  • ###-###-####
  • +### ##########

You are not required to enter all digits, and any formatting after the last digit you entered won’t be displayed after you save the field.