
Obtaining Import File

There are several ways of accessing an import file, depending on where the file is stored and how you want to access it.

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Import File Options

Flexile has the ability to import both CSV (comma separated files) and TSV (tab separated files). Data rows can be split up between tables, auto-generating links, and deduplicate data to maintain the relational nature of the originating data.

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Simple Import

This will describe how to match import data (the columns) to a single table. I won’t be going over many of the options here (check out the Complex Import Match tutorial for details on all options). But you can get a quick rundown of how to match import columns to to Flexile’s Tables and Fields to easily import data into a single table.

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Import Templates

Matching up the import columns to Flexile’s tables/fields can be a very involved process and take quite a bit of time to setup. Because of this, it can be very frustrating to have to re-setup the import configuration of a complex import. To solve this, Flexile provides a method to save an import configuration as a template. This tutorial will explain how to use templates and describe how Flexile will use a template to match columns with fields (this is important…you should read it so you know what to expect).

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Field Import Behavior

Let’s talk about how Flexile imports values. Flexile will have specific behavior for importing values dependent on what format the import value is in and what field it’s being imported into.

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